On October 17, 2012, Sarah Evans was a speaker at the San Diego Paralegal Association program “2012 Updates In Labor and Employment Law.” For the written materials from this presentation, click here.
“When I Was a New Lawyer”, featuring Dick Semerdjian, Chair-Elect, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association (read more)
On April 19, 2012, Dick Semerdjian was a speaker for the American Bar Association program, "Doing Business in the United States: What You Need To Know About Investing, Product Liability and Dispute Resolution" in Beijing, China. This event was sponsored by the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section’s International Law and Products Liability Law Committees and co-sponsored by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, China. Dick is the Chair Elect of the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section and will be sworn in as the Chair of ABA TIPS in August 2012. For Dick's presentation click here.
Brinker - Supreme Court Decision Lessons Burden On California Employers with Regard to Meal and Rest Periods.
The California Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision in the matter of Brinker v. Superior Court that will have employers across the state breathing a sigh of relief.
The main issue before the Court was to determine whether the requirement that employers “provide” employees with meal and rest periods was intended simply to ensure that employers make such rest periods available to employees to use at their own option, or if there is actually an affirmative duty on the part of the employer to make sure that an employee takes all meal and rest periods and no work is performed during such times. Click here to read more